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Кто оглянулся посмотреть?
Есть одна известная песенка и очень старая песенка, которую пели Джим Эд Браун, Оуэнс Бак и британская группа Massive Attack. Песенка начинается вот с таких слов.
I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see
If I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me
Как же нагло они сперли эту песенку у Макса Леонидова, да? Позор!
I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see
If I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me
You were cute as you could be standing looking back at me
And it was plain to see that I'd enjoy your company
One Sunday afternoon as I was ridin' down the street
I met a cute little girl all dressed up so neat
And the way that she was stacked I wish I'd've had a Cadillac
For who would notice me just drivin' this model T
I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see
If I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me
You were cute as you could be standing looking back at me
And it was plain to see that I'd enjoy your company
Now listen baby it don't matter to me
Even in your model T you're as cute as you can be
If you'll take me for a ride I will set close by your side
And I will guarantee that we'll have fun on man alive
I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see
If I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me
You were cute as you could be standing looking back at me
And it was plain to see that I'd enjoy your company
Oh gee oh me perhaps you'd notice me
If I wadn't drivin' this model T
I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see
If I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me
You were cute as you could be standing looking back at me
And it was plain to see that I'd enjoy your company
На самом деле, я тоже считаю, что все уже придумано — нужно только пользоваться. Да и Леонидову спасибо за то, что донес эти интересные слова до людей, не знающих английского или Брауна, Бака и Massive Attack.
Ведь когда кто-то говорит хорошие слова, они становятся цитатой, которую постоянно везде повторяют. И никто же не говорит, что это плагиат. )))
Странно. Мне почему-то всегда казалось, что нот семь 😉
"Я негодую!" (с) Куда смотрит РАО?! Куда?!..
Ну почему же сразу плагиат ? Если вы узнаете сколько схожих шахматных партий было сыграно - с вами вообще удар может случиться.
В этой песне вообще все слова другие - английские. 😄
. "Спёртый" припев где-то на 1:55. Ну хоть три аккорда у Леонидова не умыкнули, сволочи 😄
Один только Майк честно говорил, что перепевает.